Green day

Green day

On Friday, March 15th, the Nursery students at EISP celebrated the "Green Day". The children were engaged in various stories, language games and activities that were designed to encourage them to become champions of our planet. They learned about the importance of plants and trees and how they contribute to human well-being and growth. The children also learned about the benefits of recycling and how it helps to create a better future for us and the wildlife.
We believe that this day provided an excellent opportunity for our students to learn, grow, and become better stewards of our planet. They planted seeds to understand the needs of plants and trees to survive, as well as their importance for human well-being and growth. On Green Day, we requested that parents send their children to school with a small plant pot, and some seeds or plant bulbs. The children named and took care of their plants throughout the term, as they discovered what grows from them.
Thank you for your cooperation in making Green Day a success and an unforgettable experience for our students!